Nashville, TN Family Photographer | Crady Family

Love that I got to see this sweet family for the second time this last year! I have been dying to show these pictures for a while now, as with so many others, I had to wait until after Christmas to share! So now trying to go back to blogging now that we have moved into a calmer shooting season.  So what better way to fill the cold winter months than by sharing images with love and warmth and laughter! So get ready! I am really going to try to get this blog back on track.

Back to the Crady’s! I got to meet this family for the first time late this summer, and loved getting to know this sweet family of three.  So when they contacted me again to capture their baby girl turning one, I simply couldn’t wait to see them again! We had a beautiful afternoon filled with kisses and giggles! Take a look at my favorites of this little family of three.

Nashville, TN Family Photographer | Sweet Baby James

Sweet cuddly newborns! Oh how I love getting my baby fix at newborn sessions. My dear friend, Lauren, had her second baby a couple of months ago and asked me to photograph their new family of four! We had this family session in their home, and I couldn’t stop smiling getting to capture this sweet family.  So much love, so many smiles, and the light! The light just made this family session so magical! Baby James’ was bright eyed, just like big sister during her newborn session a few years ago.  I loved that I got to capture so many looks and smiles from James! We really got to see his personality! Take a look at this sweet baby James’ and his family!

Nashville, TN Wedding & Engagement Photographer | Kristi & John

Oh I have been so excited to share this engagement session!! I have known Kristi for the last couple of years and just got the opportunity to meet John at the start of our engagement session.  We had such a great time during their session and so thankful for the weather to finally cooperate! I can’t tell you how many times we had to reschedule due to rain, but at last, we made it happen! Kristi and John just got engaged Labor day weekend and planned their wedding in just 3 months! It was a bit of a whirlwind, but it was so fun to hear about the plans on hyper speed! And to witness their love story in person, so amazing! I cannot wait to share their wedding day with you next week! For now, take a look at my favorites from their engagement session! I love the love and laughter captured!

Texture Tuesday | 2013 in Review

What a year 2013 was! It was a very fun and exciting year for RWP, and I am truly thankful for each and everyone one of my clients in 2013.  What I love most about my job is getting to glimpse into my clients’ hearts, into their stories, into their love.  I get to freeze it in time.  It is amazing!! Below are my favorite images of 2013. Below are my clients, turned friends.  Below are exquisite brides and handsome grooms, new mamas, growing families through adoption, high school seniors ready for new adventures, babies that I got to watch grow, learn, and change, couples with new and old love, children with eyes full of wonder, couples awaiting their family to being, and joyous families’ that let me capture them as they are, now. I am truly blessed and thankful that so many people let  me into their lives this year, trusted my vision.

Also, I want to give all of y’all the biggest hug ever for loving me and supporting us through our adoption journey to start our family! It has been so encouraging to be traveling this journey and having such a community of love, support and prayer for our little guy! What a year 2013 was, and man oh man! 2014 is going to be amazing! Ready to reach some goals, live more intentionally, and fill this year with lots of love.  Hope you enjoy my favorites for 2013, and I can’t wait to see what is in store to capture in 2014!!

Thank you for supporting Rebecca Walker Photography and here is to an amazing 2014!!

Texture Tuesday | A lot of New Year rambling and a bit of good news!

This day, one year ago, really seems like a life time ago.  Around this time last year, about to start 2013, we had just announced to our families we were adopting and trusting God to show us where in the world our baby was.  Boy did he show us! Just 4 months into our adoption journey and just 4 quick months into the new year, we saw our son’s face for the first time.  I can remember that moment so clearly, can remember those emotions so vividly.  It just amazes me.

We have had lots of ups and downs in 2013.  It wasn’t quite the year that I had hoped for, but in so many ways it was infinitely better. This year was a year to educate ourselves to be better parents, to focus on our marriage, to invest in our friendships, learn to wait on God’s timing, focus on worrying less, growing my business, leaving our first home and moving to our forever home.  So instead of focusing on what all didn’t happen in 2013, I choose to concentrate on the good.

The best of the year ended with learning that we will get to meet our SON just after the new year!!!! This day… this day that part of me never thought would actually happen.  This day that we have been preparing and learning and growing how to parent this amazing little 18 month old baby.  It is actually about to happen!! In just a few weeks, we will be meeting our son for the first time.  I truly cannot believe it!!! Yesterday was a complete blur as we shared with our family and friends and the FaceBook world the news that we had been holding our breath to hear. We will be leaving and spending a week in Seoul, South Korea.  Getting to visit with our Davis, meet the amazing woman that has been raising and loving our son, tour this wonderful city to learn a whole new culture! What an incredible adventure that we are about to go on so very soon!

As we move into 2014 (!!!!!), I decided to write down some things that are important to me.  Things that I want to focus on in this new year.  Not resolutions so much…but just things to focus on in the coming year.  So here they are!

embrace being still

worry less

focus on love & joy

enjoy each day

nurture important relationships

push my creative boundaries in photography

continue to exercise/eat healthier

cherish these moments as a new mom

It has been really enlightening to really think about what is important in my life and actually write them down!! Y’all should really do it!

Today was totally meant to blog a year in review for RWP.  I have picked one images from all of my sessions and weddings this year to show, but with the good news about our little guy, it will come another day!! So stay tuned! Happy 2014 and be safe out there tonight!!

January 2, 2014 - 10:29 pm

Lisa - Congratulations guys! So excited for you and can’t wait to get more updates <3
Happy new year!

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